Friday, February 15, 2008

I have been doing a bit of this, and a bit of that in the yard this past month. Our new butterfly area on the side is really filling in, even if it is mostly milkweed. This is a spot that is almost always in direct afternoon sun, so not a lot we can put in there. We have been getting a bit of rain which helps everything grow. My son spotted a hummingbird a few weeks ago and we have been getting some painted buntings. I have a picture of the female bunting, but no luck getting one of the male.

I was getting some visitors to the bird bath that I set up, but a certain little dog in her quest for lizards managed to dig underneath the cement base and knocked the whole thing over, cracking the water basin. I seriously considered using her for vulture bait, but decided to forgive her. I will be getting a new basin when I can afford it. We now have a feeder in our front yard, and we have seen a few birds there. That area looks really nice with the double hanging hook, some bright flowers and some native plants.

We have been rooting a lot of stuff and it looks like we are going to have some gumbo limbo trees soon. For those of you in northern climates, we call these tourist trees also, since they often have red peeling skin. We have lots of porterweed showing up in places and we have been moving that to areas where they will attract more bees.

In addition to wildlife gardening, I have been doing some vegetable and herb gardening and we have so far been able to eat some fresh tomatoes and add herbs to our salad.