Sunday, November 11, 2007


Today was very eventful, we had a ruby throated hummingbird come to our backyard, and feed off our porterweed. This is just the most fantastic thing , to actually see a hummingbird in our backyard. I have lived in Florida for 32 years and this is the second time I have seen a hummingbird. The only other time was at an attraction south of us known as Flamingo Gardens. Flamingo Garden has been around since the 1930's I believe and is known for it's tropical gardens, that we got a hummingbird in our modest little backyard garden is just fantastic. My son saw it for the first time this morning, I missed it. The second time, he saw it, I got a glimpse, and then while I was inside he watched it for about 30 seconds. After breakfast I went back out with the camera. I was just talking with my son, and sitting by the butterfly garden, when he said "There it is!" It stayed for about a minute and I got a pretty good picture of it. Man, I am happy today, oh by the way, my son told me it is a female because it doesn't have the ruby colored throat.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a great picture of the hummingbird Kib! Nice job making the habitat to attract them!