Friday, December 14, 2007

More of a rant

This is more a rant against our local government and water management people than about my garden today. Yes, we are in the middle of a long drought, rainfall has been down. I am all for conserving water and I have been making every effort I can to use less water. As I replace lawn with native plants, most don't need hardly any water once they are established. When they do need water, if I must use the hose, I do it only as needed, not on a daily or even weekly schedule. When we do get rain, I don't water anyway, just because it happens to be my day to water. At the moment we are allowed to water twice a week, but I am not watering even that much. I use recycled water mostly for watering plants, we have turtles, they need to have their water changed a few times a week, that always goes onto a thirsty plant, not just down the drain. If I find a glass of water that someone left on the counter, that goes to a plant. When watering a potted plant, I place it next to another plant that can use the water that runs out of the pot. I have been saving rainwater in a small kiddie pool and using that for almost all of my backyard watering. Oh, and as far as my remaining grass, it is surviving just on rainwater. It has been fairly brown for a few weeks, last night it rained a bit, that will keep it alive for a few more weeks.
Okay, now to the reason I am so upset. Starting January 15 when we go to once a week watering, I will have one day only when I can water my plants, these are plants that provide habitat and food for butterflies, bees, food for birds and they also provide beauty, and purify the air by producing oxygen. I can't water these without fear of being reported on by a neighbor and fined, yet this same neighbor can wash his car any day of the week. Yes, they have decided that having a clean car while it pollutes the environment is so important,that it is okay to wash your car regardless of the fact that we are running short of water in South Florida. We have two guys across the street from us that have been washing their car three or four times a week since we have been on water restrictions. Their little patch of lawn that is sprayed with chemicals is watered every single day that it is allowed, even if it is raining, they are watering.
I will follow the once a week water rationing, I will try to cut back even more, even shorter showers, trying to do less loads of laundry, and I just bought a bucket to bring in the shower with me so I can collect water while I shower to use on plants, but can I say I am ticked. I just can't accept that needing to wash a car or boat on an almost daily basis is more important than saving water.
Look at these pictures, then think of clean cars, what is more important to the future of our planet.

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